Talent 100 Mentor
Lily Edelstein
Teaching Experience
3 Years
Learning Centre
School Attended
MLC Sydney
Bachelor of Education (Secondary) / Bachelor of Arts (Visual Art) at Australian Catholic University
  • Bachelor of Fine Arts at National Art School (2015–2016)

My top 5 study tips

1It's about more than discipline: effective study requires hard work, but we study best when we feel motivated and relaxed. As you take on more study, try to work towards strategies that break down tasks into familiar processes.

2Start with a clean workspace: taking care of your environment increases self efficacy. When you prepare your workspace for study, you are already achieving a goal by the time you begin working, which is motivating.

3The Pomodoro Technique is your friend: breaking up the time spent actively working can really take some of the pressure off.

4Don't underestimate rewards! This works great with the Pomodoro Technique, because the important part is to set goals and then enjoy the rewards. It should feel like a positive feedback loop.

5Prioritise sleep: so simple and so important. Your efficiency, emotional regulation and generation of ideas will all be so much more effective with enough sleep.

Great futures begin with great HSC results

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