Talent 100 Mentor
Anthony Wang
Learning Centre
School Attended
North Sydney Boys High School
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) (Mechatronic)
  • State Rank (7th) in Engineering Studies 2022

My top 5 study tips

1Plan out your time - know what you need to do and when. To-do lists, breaking down large tasks into smaller bits and getting started on things early will make life so much easier.

2Learn by doing. Skimming through textbooks and jotting down notes is a good place to start, but nothing beats applying your knowledge to past paper questions.

3Study smarter, not harder. Get things done in focus periods of 30-60 minutes, remove distractions from your study space and remember to take breaks.

4Studying with friends is a great way to consolidate your knowledge and give you that extra bit of motivation. Help each other out and ask if you get stuck on a problem.

5Life isn’t all about studying! Go out, clear your mind, touch some grass, get involved in school societies and have fun. You’re not just an ATAR, you’re all the experiences you pick up along the way.

Great futures begin with great HSC results

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